pred.txt online

Pred.txt is the actual web log of Michael "Predator" Carlton - biochemist, media pirate and drain expert. It's a story of hard science, tough relationships, radical thinking and life in Sydney. It's also the diary of a young man dying of cancer. RIP Predator.  

ebook versions of pred.txt are available via the following link: (mobi, epub, pdf)

The blog is also hosted here (and this is perhaps how the blog would have originally looked): web archive

The book was first distributed in a bigger form, which contained more than just the blog. The following "rants" were also included: Approach.txt (about drain exploration),  Paradigm.txt (the nature of life and informational reality), Realcrack.htm (reality cracking), Pestlock.txt (why pesticides suck) and Mol.html (thoughts on molecular genetics). There's also a couple of photos and diagrams.
This larger book was previously available in full care of “the bastard archive”. But at time of writing I'm no longer sure where to find it.